The Dukan Diet

The Dukan Diet


To lose weight when there is an abundance of food around you is difficult and often unsuccessful. The Dukan Diet proposes a healthy eating plan based on the foods eaten by primitive man, the hunter-gatherers, proteins and vegetables, 100 foods including 72 from the animal world and 28 from the plant world. This offer also features the magic words: “AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE”.

Slimming advice for natural weight loss


One of the major advantages of our healthy diet plan is its strong integrated support structure. If you follow our plan to the letter, you will lose weight regularly.

A method for losing and stabilizing your weight in 4 phases


4 phases which occupy the dieter from day one so that they never again feel like abandoning the diet.
4 phases, from the strongest, most supported and effective, to the most open and stabilizing.
4 phases to be carried out successively in order to reach the ideal weight target: lose weight naturally, rapidly and stabilize for good.

1 – A brief and headlong ATTACK phase with immediate results. During this phase, the diet is made up of 72 high-protein foods enabling quick weight loss.

2 – A CRUISE phase leading to the True Weight. During this phase, the diet alternates Pure Protein days (PP phases) and Proteins accompanied with 28 recommended Vegetables (PV phases).

3 – A CONSOLIDATION phase of 5 days per pound lost which prepares for the return to a balanced diet. Monitored freedom with a target of establishing this freshly conquered and still vulnerable ideal weight. This phase sees the gradual return of pleasurable foods with two festive meals.

4 – A definitive PERMANENT STABILIZATION phase based on 3 simple, concrete, easy but non-negotiable measures. This phase is both the easiest and most essential in our slimming method because 95% of people who follow a diet put back on the weight they have lost.

A planetary success

The Dukanian community on the Internet

One morning in May 2000 a Quebec woman who had followed the Dukan diet wrote a message expressing her satisfaction in a forum. This was the start of a unique adventure, the spontaneous creation of a community of women-supporters who, having lost weight and stabilized their weight, were so happy about it that they formed a group to share it with others.

It was this enthusiasm and this willingness to share which acted as an amplifier for broadcasting the Dukan method by bringing it to millions of new users.

There are now more than five hundred forums, sites and blogs entirely dedicated to the Dukan method, in which thousands of volunteers with very few resources but with a lot of heart work to advocate this method.
There are too many to cite here, but all express their enthusiasm and their gratitude in their choice of usernames, which are as affectionate as their blogs: duduche, dukanons, dukanettes, dukaniennes, dudufamily, Pierre Dukan’s girls. These forums have also spread to,,, amonst others.

All these Dukanians work to educate, support and help Internet users who are following the Dukan diet.

French doctors

The French medical establishment, in common with all Western countries, feels helpless faced with the steady rise in obesity that the WHO (World Health Organisation) describes as the “first non-infectious epidemic”. Medicines to treat it are rare and of limited use, sufferers try diet after diet demonstrating the absence of consensus on any effective method.
Given this context, many general practitioners, struck by the results obtained by their patients and especially by their long-term weight stabilization, have adopted the Dukan method, either by learning it and applying it to their patients, or by advising them to buy the Dukan Diet book.

One method for all

The Dukan method has now been translated into 16 languages and is sold in more than 30 countries as far flung as Korea, Russia or Bulgaria…

All these arguments combined led Pierre Dukan to remark during a medical conference: “This mobilization of converted users, a word-of-mouth movement powerful enough to cross cultures and frontiers, aided by the support of the medical establishment leads me to think that perhaps I have touched on a universal dimension of weight loss. A method which uses natural eating to counteract poor cultural dietary habits linked to over-abundance which leads to the excess weight problems we are seeing today.”

Are you looking for a method of losing weight that’s natural and permanent? Pierre Dukan offers you his advice, recipes and his personalized diet for losing weight. Discover a selection of recipes for a healthy slimming diet and all Pierre Dukan’s sews on nutrition.

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